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"Indiana Waterways: The Art of Conservation" Hard Copy Book

"Indiana Waterways: The Art of Conservation" Hard Copy Book

$ 46.73

Features 5 artists: Avon Waters, Tom Woodson, Dan Woodson, Curt Stanfield, John Kelty

The five artists began painting the waterways of Indiana to pass time during the pandemic. By doing so, they received the attention of the president of the Izaak Walton League of American-Indiana Division, a national conservation organization that focuses on protecting outdoor communities in America.  The league sponsored some of the artists’ costs, as they considered the project to bring awareness to water conservation. By October 2020, the artists decided to include the entire Indiana waterway system, approx. 65,000 miles to record a minimum of 20 Indiana waterways in multiple seasons. There are now 100 paintings in the collection. The works of art will be sold by Wickliff Auctioneers of Carmel, IN in the spring of 2024.